Music Effects Us on a Cellular Level

Why does music have the power to move us in ways that run deep into our conscious being, to ring an emotion that touches our every sensory fibre and literally strikes a chord within our inner most soul entity?

“Music is the universal language of the world, it is an expression of the universe.  Its powerful vibrations, rhythms, sounds and harmonies can effect humans and other sentient beings on a molecular level, therefore changing one’s moods and emotions.”

It touches our hearts in ways that cannot be explained, it can unite people in a way that connects them on a deeper level, it can create a feeling when put together with visual images.

It can be used to associate a particular time, event, milestone or memory in one’s life – so powerful that the same emotion that was unleashed when the song was first heard, can be relived as if it is happening again.

Music Therapy

Therefore the term MUSIC THERAPY can be used a buzzword that is over-played. Not only can it set the scene for a play, a movie or epic piece of art. But also the concept of producing, playing and singing music is therapeutic to one”s well being. One’s inner most emotion can be expressed through a piece of music, both lyrically and through a melody. Epic instrumental or classical music is more emotional than music with lyrics since it enables the listener to associate emotions, feelings and memories with a particular song – therefore making it even more personal. A bond is truly made between the creator and the listener of the piece of music. The delivery mechanism is just as powerful as the music itself in which it is played, aired, presented on stage, in person, in a studio, in a stadium or via the radio or on one’s personal sound device.

The Sony Walkman revolutionized music in a way that one could listen to it in private, as needed, in any surrounding, to past the time, to help get through a break up, to help get through exams and more. It became an instrumental part of our being, our inner soul entity that we are – and then on to CDs, MP3 players and of course the infamous iPod.

7 Notes of Music for 7 Chakras

Did you know that each of the 7 notes in music create harmonic balance to the 7 chakras (your endocrine glands and energy centres) in your body.

This means that music can literally “move” you or “change” your moods, cellular structure and overall healthy well being.

The power of music has the ability to heal people that are in distress, relieve pain to those suffering from a physical ailment and much more.

Music’s healing power over the body has also attracted attention from scientists who aim to test this ancient wisdom. A growing body of research supports the claim that music can alleviate physical pain. Studies have shown music to be an effective pain reliever, both on its own and as an addition in connection with other types of therapy.

Crown Chakra

Sound: Note “B”
Color: Violet
Meridian: Central and Governing
Location: Cerebral cortex
Physical Components: Right brain hemisphere, central nervous system, right eye
Glands: Pineal
Emotional Component: Attachment
Purpose: Understanding
Basic Rights: The right to know and to learn

Third Eye Chakra

Sound: Notes “A” & “Bb”
Color: Indigo
Meridian: Triple Warmer
Location: Forehead
Physical Component: Face, ears, eyes, nose, sinuses,
nervous system
Glands: Pituitary
Emotional Component: Illusion
Basic Rights: The right to see

Throat Chakra

Sound: Notes “G” & “G#”
Color: Blue
Meridian: Lung
Location: Throat
Physical Component: Jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs, nape of neck, arms
Glands: Thyroid
Emotional Component: Lies
Purpose: Communication and creativity
Basic Rights: To speak and hear the truth

Heart Chakra

Sound: Notes “F” & “F#”
Color: Green / pink
Meridian: Heart
Location: Chest
Physical Component: Heart, blood circulation, lower lungs, ribcage, skin, upper back
Glands: Thymus
Emotional Component: Grief
Purpose: Love and balance
Basic Rights: To love and to be loved


Solar Plexus Chakra

Sound: Notes “E” & “Eb”
Color: Yellow
Meridian: Stomach, Spleen, Small Intestine, Gall Bladder, Liver
Location: Solar plexus
Physical Component: Liver, digestive system, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, muscles and lower back
Glands: Pancreas and adrenals
Emotional Component: Shame
Purpose: Transformation
Basic Rights: To act and to be an individual

Sacral Chakra

Sound: Notes “D” & “C#”
Color: Orange
Meridian: Bladder, Kidney and Large Intestine
Location: Lower abdomen
Physical Component: Pelvic area, sex organs, fluid functions, kidney and bladder
Glands: Testicles and ovaries
Emotional Component: Guilt
Purpose: Movement and connection
Basic Rights: To fear and to have pleasure

Root Chakra

Sound: note “C”
Color: Red
Meridian: Circulation / Sex and Large Intestine
Location: Base of spine
Physical Body Component: Spinal column, legs, feet, bones, teeth, large intestine
Glands: Adrenals
Emotional Component: Fear
Purpose: Foundation
Basic Rights: To be here and have